European Clean Hydrogen Partnership has decided EUR 25 million in investment support to the transnational hydrogen valley BalticSeaH2 which gathers 44 organisations from the regions around the Baltic Sea.
The Estonian Hydrogen Cluster will present the plans for BalticSeaH2 valley and experiences from the North Sea to generate green hydrogen from offshore wind energy as well as gather Estonian politicians for the political debate “Is it possible to accommodate Green Deal, energy security and affordable energy prices for consumers?” at the seminar in the Estonian Academy of Sciences premises on 16 February.
LINK to join the seminar on-line:
Venue: Estonian Academy of Sciences, Kohtu 6, Tallinn/on-line
Date: 16.02.2023
Time: 14:00-17:00
14.00 – 14.10 | Opening Tarmo Soomere, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences |
14.10 – 14.20 | Baltic Hydrogen Valley BalticSeaH2 Sven Parkel, Estonian Hydrogen Cluster |
14.20 – 14.40 | Hydrogen and its derivatives’ role in the maritime sector Szilvia Haide, Flexens OY (Finland) |
14.40 – 15.00 | Hydrogen infrastructure development in the Baltic Sea region Sara Kärki, SVP, Hydrogen development, Gasgrid Finland Oy & COO, Gasgrid Vetyverkot Oy (Finland) |
15.00 – 15.30 | Development of Green Hydrogen Hubs for Mobility Kathrin Schulz, Director Business Development Hydrogen, Getech Group plc/ H2 Green plc (Germany) |
15.30 – 15.45 | Coffee break |
15.45 – 17.00 | Panel discussion: Is it possible to accommodate Green Deal, energy security and affordable energy prices for consumers? The panel is moderated by Tarmo Soomere, the president of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Confirmed panelists include: Timo Suslov (Reformierakond); Jevgeni Ossinovski (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond); Rene Kokk (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond); Kaspar Kasepõld (Eesti 200); Henrik Aavik (Parempoolsed); Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa), Andres Kollist (Keskerakond) |
17.00 | Closing words |
Seminar: Kuhu panna taastuvenergia ülejääk aastal 2030?
Koht: Eesti Teaduste Akadeedemia Saal, Kohtu tn 6, Tallinn
Kuupäev: 16.02.2023
Aeg: kell 14-17
LINK seminaril osalemiseks üle veebi:
14.00 – 14.10 | Avasõnad Tarmo Soomere, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia president |
14.10 – 14.20 | Läänemere vesinikuorg BalticSeaH2 Sven Parkel, Eesti Vesinikuklaster |
14.20 – 14.40 | Hydrogen and its derivatives’ role in the maritime sector Szilvia Haide, Flexens OY (Finland) |
14.40 – 15.00 | Hydrogen infrastructure development in the Baltic Sea region Sara Kärki, SVP, Hydrogen development, Gasgrid Finland Oy & COO, Gasgrid Vetyverkot Oy (Finland) |
15.00 – 15.30 | Development of Green Hydrogen Hubs for Mobility Kathrin Schulz, Director Business Development Hydrogen, Getech Group plc/ H2 Green plc (Germany) |
15.30 – 15.45 | Kohvipaus |
15.45 – 17.00 | Paneeldiskussioon: Kas ja kuidas mahuvad ühele pildile Rohepööre, energia varustuskindlus ja jõukohane hind tarbijatele? Paneelis osalevad Riigikogu valimistel osalevad erakonnad. Paneeli juhib Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia president Tarmo Soomere. Paneelis osalevad erakondade esindajad: Timo Suslov (Reformierakond); Jevgeni Ossinovski (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond); Rene Kokk (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond); Kaspar Kasepõld (Eesti 200); Henrik Aavik (Parempoolsed); Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa), Andres Kollist (Keskerakond). |